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Ja mitäs me ollaan puuhattu. No me oltiin sirkuksessa, Sirkus Finlandia oli kaupungissa ja esitys niin upea!! Ja kuvia tässä vaikka millä mitalla. Kaikenkaikkiaan koko show oli mahtava, hintansa väärtti. Huikeita esityksiä!
Yksi risoi, nimittäin nuoralla kävelijän esitys. Siis se tyyppi oli taitava, ihan järjettömän taitava, MUTTA ilman suojaverkkoa tai vaijeria ja tosi korkealla. Kerran meinasi mätkähtää alaskin, sai kädellä kiinni. Ei se suojaverkko olisi vienyt esitykseltä arvoa. Oma lapsi vieressä kysyi monta kertaa "äiti, kuoleeko tuo jos se tippuu" ja kaikki lähellä istuvat muutkin lapset olivat todella huolissaan esityksen aikana ja hokivat kaikkea, että typerä esitys ja typerä mies. Ja lapsiahan sirkusyleisössä on paljon! Siitä jäi vähän paha maku. Mutta muuten ihan tosi huippu ilta oli!
So it is Tuesday again! Welcome to link your post with us. Please make sure to link to post - not the main page your blog and link back to COMMUNAL GLOBAL-page if you want to.
Sirkus Finlandia was in town and the show was great!!! Here are several shots from the circus.
This man with his crossbows was my favorite. He was so great and that girl was so brave. He cut a rose that she was holding and shot an apple that was on his own head! Wow!
Our 5-year old said that the clowns were the best part of the circus. Oh how much he laughed. It made me laugh ever more!!
There were also very traditional tricks...
...and strong girls and boys!
Here's the leader of Sirkus Finlandia, Calle Jr and Pippi Longstockin horse.
Amazing Azzario sisters! We should start a new hobby with my sister. We could do this..yes we could..well no!
This show was so great but the same time I hated it. He was super talented but there were no safety net or cable and he was SO high (I used my Nikkor 55-300mm lense)! It's not funny. There are always so many kids in the audience and my kids (+several other kids who sat near us) were really scared that this man will die.
Our 7-year old loved all the animals. He is such an animal lover.
There were everything for everyone...haha...
I can't tell if the crossbow dude was the best or these boys...

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And welcome back next week!!
38 kommenttia:
Fun photos and I like them in black and white! :-)
Upeita kuvia sirkuksesta! Käytiin katsomassa sama esitys, huikea kokemus meille kaikille, varsinkin lapselle kun oli ensimmäisen kerran sirkuksessa. Täällä myös kouraisi mahanpohjasta se turvaverkottomuus.
Thank you so much Tina! <3
Kiitos Sirpa! <3
Aika moni muukin sitä verkon puuttumista valitteli..
Ihania sirkuskuvia! :)
Me ollaan nyt kahtena (tai kolmena, en muista...) vuonna peräkkäin käyty sirkus Finlandian esityksessä. Tälle vuodelle ei vielä ole lippuja mutta kyllä ne taitaa olla pakko hankkia, houkuttelevan näkönen show. :)
Mielettömiä kuvia!
Jotenkin toi mustavalkoisuus (tummana) on just se juttu, vau!
Black and white is a perfect choice for these. Such a journalistic feel!
Oli kyllä tosi kiva ilta! :)
Helpompi muuntaa kuvat mustavalkoisiksi. Oli niin vaikea saada oikeaa valkotasapainoa kuviin kameran asetuksista paikan päällä tai kotona kuvankäsittelyohjelmalla. Liikaa vaihtuvia eri värisiä valoja, välillä sininen valo ja välillä kellertävä ja kesken esityksenkin vaihtuili. Äh!!
Thank you so much Kim!! <3
Beautiful photos! New follower By way of the happiness project :)
Love the black and white photos!
♥ ihania kuvia!♥ Pian minäkin menen sirkukseen..JEEEEEE!
You got some stunning captures here. I think my favourite is the 'string girl'
Thanks Nicole - welcome! <3
Thank you Sarah! <3
Jee - nauti esityksestä! :)
Thank you Molly! <3
I like these edited in black/white - dramatic and fun. My children were not fans of the clowns.
These are striking in black and white. You made a good choice of edit. It looks like you had a fun time!
Thanks Nicki! :)
Thanks Sharon! :)
Now, that is cool!
Gorgeous pictures! What a fun time!
Haven't been to circus in quite a while, looks fun!
Very beautiful photos! As a child I dreamed of going to the circus ...
This Communal Global Site not working for me - every time my computer crashes while opening :-(
Fantastic 'action shots' of the marvelous circus ~ so much fun for all of you ~ thanks, carol, xo
Great shots - I would have been scared too...I'm not good at watching stuff like that where people seem to be taking crazy risks for entertainment purposes!
Thank you Dina! :)
Thanks Brandi!! :)
It was so fun!!! :)
Thank you Mascha! :)
You know - I have noticed the same thing. That site is too heavy for my laptop, too many large photos in one page. I should tell this for our "administration".
Thank you Carol!! :)
I know, it's so crazy!!!
Wow! Going to the circus is always a treat. :)
Great photographs, I would never have thought to photograph a circus in black and white. It really worked well.
Thanks Singwa! :)
I decided to make them B&W because it was so hard to choose the right white balance - they changed the color and tones of the lights all the time.. :)
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