sunnuntaina, toukokuuta 06, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday




 Honey, can you smile at me!?

 No! Smile as you always do.

 Please, just one proper smile!

 Thank you.


Photo with Nikon coolpix 4500


My quick lunch; salmon, tomato, salad, boiled carrot and onion

22 kommenttia:

Raymonde kirjoitti...

I really like your hunt and the smile is cute. Have a great Sunday! :)

tinajo kirjoitti...

Great pics, love the Keys a little extra! :-)

Anu kirjoitti...

Valloittava hymy!

Nukke kirjoitti...

Hymy ja ilmekuvat jotka tuovat hymyn kasvoille ovat parhaita !!!

Kaunis SOOC ! Hyvää sunnuntaita !

Tamar SB kirjoitti...

Love these! That smile is supe cute!

S kirjoitti...

Love the one where he's showing all his teeth :)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hahaha so glad you got a proper smile in the end but I do love the outakes ;)

Gprgeous pictures huni x

Mary Gene Atwood kirjoitti...

great set. Love that socc, and the smiles make me smile!

tiarastantrums kirjoitti...

love your key fob on the wall!

Sandy kirjoitti...

I so enjoyed your photos and was so amazed how
many comments I got on my 'first try' in this
hunt.. it's fun!

selma kirjoitti...

Upeat kuvat ja vielä ilman käsittelyä! Vau!

Pieni Lintu kirjoitti...

Thank you so much for your comments!!! <3

Tezzie kirjoitti...

That smile is so precious! Your crocus photo is amazing...and your lunch looks sooo yummy!

Patrice kirjoitti...

Great shots - love all the silly faces!

Kim Cunningham kirjoitti...

Cute set! I can relate to smile. Glad you got one finally.

Gina Kleinworth kirjoitti...

Excellent excellent set- All perfect!

JustForDaisy kirjoitti...

Beautiful photo. Love the keys! And your SOOC is amazing! Lunch looks good too - yum!

Our Muddy Boots kirjoitti...

So glad to have found your beautiful site! All of your images are beautiful, and those of you son (paired with the wording) are spectacular!

Unknown kirjoitti...

LOLing at the whole SMILE story!!! and YUM on the lunch!

Stasha kirjoitti...

Love them all. But my favorite was the smile and the anticipation of one as I scrolled down. Great Hunt!

Melbourne Australia Photos kirjoitti...

Great shots!

Ashley Sisk kirjoitti...

I love your smile shots - so adorable!