sunnuntaina, huhtikuuta 15, 2012

Simple Snapshots

12 kommenttia:

genie kirjoitti...

Who would have thought that sidewalk chalk could have been turned into such lovely works of photographic art. The colors are so pretty, and the real life nature of all of your photos is so appealing. This was a grand idea genie

Lui kirjoitti...

Love these chalks!
It reminds me of my childhood.
And they come in giant sizes too!
Hmmm, I think I need to get one and color my street! ;-)

Cedar kirjoitti...

Such lovely, simple photos! Beautiful!

Liz kirjoitti...

Excellent shots! Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC

sanna kirjoitti...

Upeita värikkäitä kuvia. Meidän lapset tykkääävät noista väriliiduista myös kovasti!

Mary Gene Atwood kirjoitti...

Lovely shots. Sidewak chalk is such fun! Great perspectives.

Meeha Meeha kirjoitti...

I love the pastel colors against the grey and the ingenuity of these shots! Thank you for visiting my turquoise living room - I love your new found blog and I'm your newest follower :)

Gina Kleinworth kirjoitti...

What a fun time- I love your perspective on these. So well done!

{leah} kirjoitti...

Love these! Love how colorful the chalk is on the grey background! ^_^ Beautiful!

rachel kirjoitti...

these are so great. you have me so excited for spring!!

Leah H. kirjoitti...

Beautiful colors..

Visiting for MYM- hope you can stop by:)

Jessica kirjoitti...

what a colorful chalks, that looks fun to write on the sidewalks :-) Dropping by from MYM