Wednesday around the World
Kun on satanut päivätolkulla ja sitten tulee aurinko esiin, on ihana lähteä rakkaan kanssa ajelulle ja vaikkapa vielä jätskille rantaan. Salmiakkijäätelö, oi nam nam! Oli niin hyvää ja sain lusikankin kynsilakan väriin sopivan
After rain come sunshine - perfect evening for an ice cream. I just loved that salmiac flavor, yummy!!!

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Welcome to Wednesday around the world!! Please make sure to link to your post - not the main page your blog and link back to COMMUNAL GLOBAL-page or to my blog so your readers will find this linky party too. Read more about us HERE
Aug 24, 2016
7 kommenttia:
Mm, delicious summer ice cream!
I've never had salty liquorice before (I had to look up what salmiac is)... At first I thought that it was black sesame ice cream (which I love!).
Never seen before, a blue ice cream;*-* but it is lovely to think of summer and having a delicious ice cream!!... and those blue skies with clouds are amazing!
I should send some Finnish candy - we like hot and sour and liquorice :D
Ah, an icecream and a walk along the water - perfect.
Have a fabulous weekend ahead. Very strangley....the link up hasn't come up on Communal Globals' page....?
Oh no!!? I don't know anything!! :O
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