sunnuntai, elokuuta 21, 2011




(My husband took this shot)



15 kommenttia:

Nukke kirjoitti...

Lovely photos !! I like most on the dotted line and hanging !

Mary Gene Atwood kirjoitti...

Oh that spider really creeps me out! Great shots. Love the dotted line and the spider.

Hanizeyecandy kirjoitti...

Love the dotted line photo

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

love the spider shot!

Lori kirjoitti...

Beautiful set! That is a fabulous shot a of spider!


Michelle kirjoitti...

On the dotted line is so clever. :)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

lol! spiders give me the creeps! and this one is huge, but since you highlighted it on today's hunt I had to take a look. the geometry shot is pretty original. and the dotted line is awesome. well done :)

Ashley Sisk kirjoitti...

THat spider is really creepy, but pretty awesome. I also love the last shot.

Michelle kirjoitti...

All of your photo's this week feel so bright and fresh. Love the dotted line shot the best. :)

Florence kirjoitti...

your photos are gorgeous, as always. you came up with some lovely creative ways of fitting in the themes. i was at a loss when i read the themes, i had no idea what to do with most!! well done. x

Mimi kirjoitti...

Hienoja kuvia! Ihana tuo herneenpalkokuva ja
hämähäkkikuva nostaa kyllä niskakarvat pystyyn :)

Pieni Lintu kirjoitti...

Thank you so much!!

Kiitos paljon!!! :)

MPE by Irela kirjoitti...

Great collection. I love love On Dotted creative

My Captivating Life kirjoitti...

Love, Love, Love your on the dotted line shot!!! Very creative and a great capture. :)

Sara kirjoitti...

Great set, love your mushroom and peas in a pod!